



ここでは、友人とは誰なのか?ということをはじめに定義しなければなりません。 私にも様々な友人がおりますが、どの範囲を友人と定義するかは非常に難しい話なのでさておき、 その範囲を広くしても狭くしても、統計学や医学に通じている人はそんなに多くないものです。 ですのでここでは友人に「両者ともに系統的に学んでいない人」という条件を与えて、話を進めましょう。


決断クライテリアを定義する前に、予後予測モデルを定義する必要があります。 予後予測モデル、予後予測ルール、予後予測スコアなど、様々な呼び方がありますが、ここでは「予後予測モデル」として統一します。 予後予測モデルとは、症状の有無や検査の値をもとに、それらを組み合わせて、病気の診断や生命予後(生命でなくても良いですが)を予測するという研究、またその研究によって得られたスコアリングの方法のことです。 病気の診断、予後などをここではアウトカム(=結果)と呼びますが、 予後予測モデルでは、アウトカムの確率が計算されます。

例1 では、遺伝性乳がん卵巣がん症候群を扱っています。BRCA1もしくはBRCA2遺伝子に変異のある人が、予防的手術の有無、手術を受ける年齢、がんを検査する方法の組み合わせることで、70歳までに特定のがんによって死亡する確率を予測できます。ここでのアウトカムは死亡です。




予後予測モデルに基づいて、患者の重症度・予後を分類し、それを利用して治療の方向性や内容を決断するための基準、と定義しましょう。 この基準がないまま、確率や点数だけを呈示されても、なかなか理解しにくいですし、予後予測モデルをうまく利用できません。 得られた確率をもとに、どのように行動するか、という決定木が示されると更にわかりやすいかもしれません。例2で挙げたCHADS2スコアについては、CHADS2スコア2点以上で抗凝固薬の服用がガイドラインで推奨されています。これも決断クライテリアと考えられます。


  • 救急外来の診療で、肺炎の診断を得た患者さんを重症度別に分け、治療を決定する
  • がんの診療で、どの程度進行しているのか、進行度別に分け、治療を決定する(ガイドラインが基準になっている)
  • 敗血症の疑いがある患者さんを迅速に拾い上げて、治療行動に移す
  • 乳がんの診療で、特定の遺伝子変異の検査を行うべきかどうか、スコアに基づいて判断する


1. 予後予測モデルを作る、もしくは既存の予後予測モデルを用いる


2. その予後予測モデルを用いて行動した場合のアウトカムを設定する

  • 心房細動のリスクを予測する⇒心房細動を治療する⇒脳塞栓を予防する
  • 肺炎死亡のリスクを予測する⇒治療する⇒死亡を減らす
  • 将来の死亡リスクを予測する⇒予防的に治療する⇒がん死亡を減らす

3. これに基づいて行動する、という基準値を決める

  • 何点以上で行動するのか?
  • 死亡するリスクがどのくらい増えるなら行動するのか?

4. 3で設定された基準で行動した場合、本当にアウトカムは変わるのか


5. この基準値は、対象となる患者集団が変わっても、同様にアウトカムを変える効果があるのか?





 これらの問題点を考慮した上で、診療やshared decision makingに運用していく必要がありますが、確率が可視化され、可視化された情報に基づいた決断は、何も情報が無く、見えない中で決断を迫られるよりも明らかに判断材料が豊富で、再現性のある医療の提供に寄与し得ます。

An explanation sheet for friends; How to make decision criteria?


First of all, I should define a meaning of “friends”. I have various friends and defining “range” of friends is not so easy. However, there are few friends who are very familiar with statistics or medicine whatever the definition of friends is. Here, I start to explain how to make decision criteria for those who are not familiar with both statistics and medicine.

What is clinical prediction rules?

Before defining decision criteria, we should define clinical prediction rule. A clinical prediction rule is defined as a type of medical research study in which researchers try to identify the best combination of medical sign, symptoms, and other findings in predicting the probability of a specific disease or outcome.


In this site (, a prediction rule of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome is introduced. We can calculate a probability of death by 70 years old of a person who has a genetic mutation of BRCA1 or BRCA2 with reference of those who don’t have genetic mutations. The outcome is death.


We can predict annual risk of stroke on patients with atrial fibrillation using CHADS2 score. If the score is 0 and 2, the annual risk of stroke is 1.9% and 4.0%, respectively. The outcome is occurrence of stroke.

What is decision criteria?

Decision criteria can be defined as “criteria for decision making on which treatments should be chosen using the classification of the severity of a specific disease and the prognosis of the patients.” It is difficult to understand and utilize the prediction model without the criteria, even the probability itself is shown. Decision trees may be useful to capture the criteria. For example, an administration of anticoagulant agents is recommended in the Japanese guidelines for pharmacotherapy of atrial fibrillation if the CHADS2 score is 2 or more. This can be regarded as a kind of decision criteria.

In what situation are the criteria used?

  • In Emergency room, we can classify the patients with prediction scores and decide what treatments should be administered.
  • In cancer treatment, we can classify patients into some category considering the progression of the disease and decide the treatment using the guidelines.
  • Outside the ICU, we can pick up the patients with high probability of sepsis using qSOFA score and decide which patients are urgent to be treated.
  • Using a specific score, we can judge which patients should undergo the additional genetic test.

How can we make the criteria?

1. Making the prediction model or using the existing prediction model.

Practically the model should be easy to use because complicated models are usually hard to understand and utilized even if it has a good ability of discrimination.

2. Setting the outcome after the action based on the prediction model

  • Predicting the risk of atrial fibrillation -> treating it -> preventing the stroke.
  • Predicting the risk of death for pneumonia -> selective intensive treatment -> reducing the death
  • Predicting the risk of death in the future -> prophylactic treatment -> reducing cancer death

3. Defining the threshold of the action

  • At what point should we act?
  • How do we quantitate the risk at which we act?

4. Verifying the outcome

It will be less meaningful if the outcome after the criteria-based action is unchanged. We should verify the outcome by comparing that with criteria-based action and that without.

5. Calibrating the criteria

For example the criteria based on American-population data should be calibrated when applying to Japanese population because it is unclear the criteria fits the Japanese population. Without calibration, overtreatment, even undertreatment, can occur.

Problems and discussion

Information shown in decision criteria is tidy and simple on its nature. The criteria is useful in urgent situations in particular, e.g. in emergency room with limited time and the clear outcome to “rescue”. On the other hand, because of its simplicity, the criteria may be difficult when applying people with different or complicated values and preferences. It is hard to generalize the meaning of the probability because it depends on the preference and values of the information users. We cannot make decision depending only the criteria when different values and preferences are considered, although the criteria work as a reference. Interpreting prediction models can be complicated especially when dealing with future events. Efficacy of treatment is visible when calculated in the population study, but as an individual, an ultimate efficacy of the criteria-based action are often invisible because the life itself are affected by events which randomly occur. For example, prophylactic oophorectomy and mastectomy has the efficacy on reducing cancer death. This efficacy can be calculated in the site shown in ex.1. However, the other life-depending event can occur randomly, so that the patient who undergoes prophylactic procedures can be dead by the other specific disease, or traffic accident and so on. We should be aware of these problems and operate the criteria carefully in shared decision making and clinical practice. The real benefit of the decision criteria is bringing clear visions on decision making. The criteria will contribute to provide scientific and reproducible clinical practice.